Business Sustainability for Leaders

About the course

Short-term Professional Development Program Abroad

Program Theme

Offered in cooperation with the Business Sustainability Research Center of IBS Americas, this innovative program addresses ESG strategies and brings the best practices of Sustainable Management from executives and professionals from all over the world.


Undergraduate students and young professionals from different backgrounds interested in sustainability and in participating in executive exchange programs to lead sustainable initiatives in organizations.


Preparing professionals ready to view sustainable initiatives from an innovative perspective in a rapidly changing world. The student will learn how to plan, implement indicators and best practices in Sustainable Management to gain access to ESG funds. The objective of the course is also to boost your career and increase your company's profitability with techniques that attract more customers and more investors, while contributing to a better world.

Business Sustainability for Leaders

Benefits for scholarship holders participating in this program:

  • Free Business English module
  • Guidance and documents for obtaining the US Visa

  • Full support for academic and logistic preparation for the program

Why should I attend this course?

  • Study at an American University with a Scholarship
  • Being ready to drive sustainable initiatives in large international companies
  • Lectures given by university PhDs or specialists with vast executive experience
  • Meetings with local executives included in the activity grid
  • Technical visit to the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, New York City
  • Opportunity for international networking with Sustainability professionals

Check the opinion of our former students

Testimonials from IBS Americas students who attended State University of New York

July - 2023

Darina Aleksandrova Garibova

Business Sustainability for Leaders

July - 2022

Domenika Geregova

Business Sustainability for Leaders


Key concepts and recent approaches to run a Sustainability-driven organization. Current Global ESG landscape Future Trends and Perspectives of Sustainable Business in the World.

Attracting Sustainable Investments: how to implement Environmental Social Governance indicators and best practices to attract ESG funds.

Impact Measurement and Regulation: developing key performance indicators and investor reporting that reflect your company’s ESG strategy and regulation compliance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

An international certificate is a document issued by the university that proves your participation in a course abroad. This certificate is a valuable addition to your resume and can be recognized in your home country by universities or employers. Upon completing one of the thematic international courses offered by IBS Americas, you receive a Certificate of Executive Management issued by the university where the course was taken, validating your academic and international experience. 

Courses are 3 weeks with classes from Monday to Wednesday full-time. The student will take the administration module in one period and, in the case of students from the United States and England, the English module in another. In Italy, the other period is dedicated to the preparation of the work to be presented at the end of the course. 
On Thursdays, students in the thematic courses have company visits or lectures with local executives. 
Please refer to the course page for specific details of course load, syllabus and extra activities. 

A short course is a practical and intensive way to improve your knowledge in a short time, without the need to leave your home country for long periods. These short courses provide a complete immersion in the content, as well as networking opportunities with students of diverse nationalities. Travel to these courses can be carried out with a tourist visa, which simplifies the process of entry into the country, being a convenient option for those seeking a fast and effective international experience.

Professor Ricardo Britto

PhD in Business Administration from FEA/USP, he is one of the most experienced Brazilian professors in International Business.

Apply for a Scholarship
  • Location
    New Paltz/Albany - United States
  • Next terms
    2025 and 2026
  • Dates
    3 weeks (July)
  • Investment
    U$ 8.400 + Enrollment: U$ 90
    Check opportunities for partial scholarships
  • Program Profile
    Classes and company visits in a full-time basis
  • Workload
    80 class-hours (lectures, talks and company visits)
  • Additional Activity
    Classes and company visits in a full-time basis
  • Students per Classroom
    From 15 to 30
  • Certification
    Certificate in Executive Management and Business English
  • Language
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