About the AIC

Americas International College - The Global University

In close cooperation with public and private foundations and universities around the world, the AIC brings to Brazil an educational project with unique characteristics. From internationality, with classes in Brazil and abroad, to intensive contact with new technologies, through partnerships that bring the main management software into the classroom. From the emphasis on digital entrepreneurship to broad support for career development in global organizations.

From active teaching methodologies, which stimulate students' critical and creative thinking, to strong ethical commitment and moral values to form citizens aware of their responsibilities. From the modern Paulista Campus and Florida Campus to classes at partner universities in Europe and the United States, and on our virtual campus with professors from all over the world.

California, United States
New York, United States
California, United States
New York, United States

Graduates of Americas College programs stand out for their combination of rigorous academic training and a strong link to today's internationalized, technological and fast-changing marketplace.

Ready to work in global organizations, they have a command of the business language and a professional network that extends over the more than 120 countries of origin of our students.

Americas College is an initiative promoted by universities and international foundations, under the Brazilian coordination of Masters, Doctors and Market Specialists from USP.

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